Tuesday, March 20, 2012


Found at various sites around the Mojave, pictographs are prehistoric reminders that Europeans were not always the dominant hominid in the area. Many of the sites where this rock art is found are kept secret from the public, as vandalism is all to common. Others are protected by virtue of being on military bases, where acces to the sites is highly restricted. One such site is at the China Lake Naval Weapons Development Facility, and requires a special tour to visit.

Friday, March 2, 2012

Washingtonia filifera

California fan palm

The only native palm species to California, W. filifera is found most often in the southern Sonoran Desert of the state, with some extending up into the Mojave. These palms are found only near locations with ground water that reaches near the surface, or actively flows above ground.

Due to increased human water consumption, these trees face a considerable threat. Being as dependent on the level of the water-table as they are, reducing the aquifer levels in their home ranges could have serious, potentially disastrous results for the species.